Hello Wizards! I hope everyone had a great start to the new year, with aspirations and magical dreams for what's to come. All of us at TCS have been planning new and fun ways to connect with this wonderful community, like our brand new Blog section of the site, where we'll be hosting our Official Events from now on! And, speaking of events, we also have a new one to introduce to you all: New Stitches & Wishes!
Event Information -
Got a new outfit you're trying out for the new year? Or maybe it's an outfit you've had on for a while that fits perfectly with your style. Show it off in our New Stitches & Wishes Event! Reply to this thread with a screenshot of your wizard's favorite outfit/stitch in-game below, and tell us what you think you'll be doing in Wizard101 this year. If you'd like, you can also include your own personal new years resolution in your entry! Tell us what your goals are for 2021.
Rewards -
For the first time in TCS history, we've been given the opportunity to give away a retired bundle for the top placement in this event: The Evergreen Bundle! This one is definitely a favorite of mine, and the house that comes with it, the Botanical Gardens, is a house I use frequently for my gardening needs, as it provides a +15% growth rate speed to all plants that are grown inside and outside of it (much like the Red Barn Farm house). We're so happy to be able to give this away to one lucky (and fashionable) wizard!
1st place: Evergreen Bundle + 15,000 crowns
2nd place: Wooly Rhino mount (Perm) + 10,000 Crowns
3rd place: Ice-Cycle mount (perm) + 5,000 crowns
Rules -
*Must create an account on this site to enter. Once registered, make the account public. More info here!
*Entry must provide a screenshot of your wizard's outfit within the frame, along with a small (or long) bit of text about your in-game aspirations.
*Text about your wizard and their goals for the year can be as long or as short as you'd like within the singular post.
*One outfit per entry. Multiple outfits will be disqualified.
*Multiple entries WILL BE disqualified. Only one entry is permitted per person.
*Please include your Wizard's Name in the screenshot.
*Plagiarism of any kind is not tolerated and can result in the suspension of your account on this site.
*Make sure to include your Discord username with your entry so we can contact you in case you won. If you don't have Discord, leave blank and we will contact you via Email.
*All language and content within the entry must be appropriate and in line with the rules of this site. Anything to the contrary will be removed and may result in account suspension.
*We will allow multiple screenshots of your wizard, but no more than 3. Take advantage of this by showing us different angles of the stitch (Example: Front, Back, and one from the Side)
*Try to limit the screenshot(s) to only your wizard (and their mount/pet if desired) within frame, and not multiple wizards. I'll allow an exception to this: If you want to post a group photo of your wizard with some friends, and incorporate it into your entry (Example: "Wanting to spend the new year in Wiz with my friends!"), then the only regulation is that it must be secondary to a screenshot of your stitch! This means that you must post a screenshot of your wizard's outfit, and then (and only then) may you post a group photo.
Timeframe -
*All entries must be submitted before January 31st at 11:59 P.M. Eastern Time. Winners will be chosen by our staff and announced on February 1st, on this site and across all the platforms we belong to. Any entries posted after the event has ended will be disqualified.
We're all excited and eager to see just how fashion savvy and stylish everyone is in the Spiral. We want to encourage originality in your outfit selections, and how/where you decide to take your screenshots; be creative with it. Good luck Wizards, and Happy New Year! :)
Come join our Discord for many more giveaways! >Click Here<
UPDATE: Winners have been announced! Scroll to the bottom of this thread to see them. Hope to see you again for the next event! :)
Hello all, welcome all to my circus!
This outfit was inspired by American Horror Story Freak Show, as I love horror and anything ominous and mysterious. I am the Jester of the circus with bright smiles and soulless eyes.
What I hope to achieve for this year on Wiz is to be able to collect all the code wands from fishing in Zafaria to finish off my code wand collection, finish my collection house with all the rare items I have collected so far, and craft the beastmoon robe as I have been quite unlucky with getting matches so far.
Thank you!
Hi! Here is my stitch for the event :)
Inspired by my love for the Savanna of South Africa and exploring the wilderness, I put together an outfit that creates a sense of nostalgia and ready to explore on any occasion earlier this year. I would obviously take a photo in Zafaria itself, but I, unfortunately, don't have a membership so I hope this will still do.
I hope for this year, I will be able to find the time out of my busy schedule to hop onto Wiz and take beautiful photomancy pictures around the spiral. It's a project I've been wanting to do for awhile now and I hope I'll be able to make the time to do…
Hiya! Lol, So many things to do this year I almost missed my deadline for entering this contest ;)
My character's name is Sarai Soulmender, I actually started exploring a new outfit in December and finally came to my final cut just a little while ago :) I really like the detective jacket it seems very appropriate for the season but also for going into the new year with new expectations and new discoveries to be found and explored. Then with the advice of a friend I found some boots to match. I had originally picked out the 'fakie okie' hat, but I was having some difficulty seeing through those ski glasses, and let's face it, if you're gonna explor…
Here's my favorite stitch out of all my wizards! This is my death wizard, Blaze StormCloud's, hitting stitch, and I'm super proud of it! It has a story behind it- one of my eyes got knocked out in combat. I got an eye-patch and put the fallen eye into my wand! Overall I love the green and black colorscheme. The Cloudstrider Pegasus that my friend gave me a code for matches it perfectly. I also have the same exact stitch but blue as my Jading stitch, I won't really talk about it but I'll include the image just so y'all can check it out :)
As for what I want to do in Wizard101 this year, I plan to finish…
Hello all!
Here is my life's healer stitch. I went through so many variations to get to this result, and I can say that I'm quite proud of it.
I knew this was the robe that I wanted for her, before I even got it I knew I wouldn't be satisfied until it was this one. I love this robe for its elegance, you could say. It reminds me of a fantasy world, of elves, nature, and magic. A perfect fit! Regarding the hair, the halo was also an immediate yes. It was the perfect shade, maintaining a natural brown. And I mean, halo and life/healing? Need I say more? The boots were also a great find for me, completing…